Tuesday 27 November 2012

Another week in Photos. Exciting times at hamster central.

Regional Assembly of Text cards have arrived!

Shelves are starting to fill

Wigged Hamster Army in formation

Pre-flight pictures

Foxy and Zombie Koi fish by local printmaker Scott Holt

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Exciting day for mail deliveries at Dear Henry. New work from The Regional Assembly of Text. Official Winter Correspondence Stationary, beautiful cards and freshly pressed season buttons. Don't miss these lovelies.

Friday 16 November 2012

It is with mixed feelings I announce the selling out of mini pencils. bye bye little buddies.

Saturday 10 November 2012

A week in pictures

This week's sign
The Doctor is In, and rides a townie?
Henry is being Coy

Up and Over

Monday 5 November 2012

Calling artists and artisans (ok, and all angels)

Sayyy, while I have your attention...Dear Henry is always looking to work with local makers of fine things, mostly because we like people that make stuff.

We are a consignment based store that stays pretty flexible about 'how much work' and 'how long for' - 6 months is the norm but we can reevaluate at 3 months. We like all kinds of work and give a little extra love to craft (or unusual) materials.

If you think your work might be a good fit for our space, stop by the store with a sample of your work, or send us an email at dearhenrydear AT gmail.com.

Thanks Lovelies,
Henry and Liza